6 PR trends that will reinvent the communications industry in 2023
While 2022 was no less than a roller coaster ride for most of us in PR, we kind of expected this as the storm of covid settled and businesses opened in full swing. The year kicked-off with geo-political stress and inflationary pressure, though, later brought in renewed opportunities to do more than just business as usual, whilst bringing scope for new innovations. Talent identification and retention however both for brands and agencies remained a consistent challenge. With that let’s dive into what are some of the big PR predictions/trends for the year 2023. 1. Changing the narrative: Brands are working hard to build on ‘purpose-led’ communications and at a strategic…
What PR can Learn from Covid-19
As I write this blog, Omnicron is making firm inroads across the globe. It’s replaced its predecessor Delta as a variant of concern and is now ready for a round trip ensuring widespread panic and lockdowns. Like all the variants of Covid-19, it gets front page news, brilliant social media and is more famous than anything that happened before it. Just like the virus, if you as a PR professional are taking the New Year- New Me hustle seriously then it’s time to learn a few things from our friend Covid-19. It’s a virus for sure, but it’s still got real time lessons for all of us to learn from…
How to design a compelling sustainability campaign?
Taking forward the discussion on the PRPOI panel discussion on sustainability and PR Sustainability can mean different things for different people. For organisations wanting to prove their sustainability credentials, the motivations could vary from wanting to attract ESG (Environment, Society and Governance) focused funding, to meeting compliance requirements, to attracting talent wanting to work with organisations that care about planet and purpose over profits. For grassroots organisations or brands wanting to encourage more sustainable living, success graduates from raising awareness levels, to shift perceptions to ultimately changing habits and behaviour. In this article, we’re going to focus on the latter. We’ll cover storytelling for corporate sustainability separately. Here’s how we…
Sustainability & PR
PR professionals on the Twitterati was abuzz on the chat hosted by Pooja Trehan & curated by Tarunjeet and Sonali Sokhal along with participation from panelists Preeti Binoy, Sourav Das, Navin Nair, Vinod Reddy and Sayesha Arora. We took up Sustainable PR in digital era and expressed our views on various questions raised by the PRPOI team. The chat delved into various aspects such as the troll army making sustainable PR difficult, best practices to deal with troll armies, sustainability PR in Indian context, measuring PR campaigns in sustainability, employee engagement and sustainability, best communication tools & platforms that talk about sustainability, up-skilling PR professionals in digital era and sustainable…