5 Easy Strategies to embark on Your Professional PR journey
Are you a fresher struggling to succeed the first job interview? Read on. Vivaan and Mishka are front-runners in their Mass Communication academics. Every professors’ delight, they are forever ready to answer, participate and contribute. In the final year, their eyes are sparkling with the zeal to get acknowledged by the professional communications fraternity. Armed with the know-how of various domains in communication fields, these Gen-Zers are ready to take on the world. To their surprise, the preparation interviews rocked their dreamboat. It exposed them to a parallel world that is real and a far cry from what they have understood so far. It appeared different from the glamourous world…
Influencer Marketing: The Way Forward
As the world changes and moves to digital formats, one of the greatest pivots that we have witnessed in these times is the rise and rise of ‘Influencer Marketing’. As we witness the shrinking of traditional media options, there is a growing trend of ‘Influencer Marketing and Outreach’. In this new fragmented universe, where media and individuals are vying for eyeballs, what is the future of Influencer Marketing? Will it be the new way brands communicate with consumers? How will the Public Relations Industry navigate through this? These were some of the questions raised in the PRPOI Live discussion on the subject of Influencer Marketing. With panelists Pankhuri Harikrishnan, Founder…
Taming The Beast That Is Tech PR
Let’s start by busting a myth – “Tech PR is not for me.” I have often heard this from multiple professionals over the last two years. As technology continues to become all pervasive, the Tech PR fraternity has also grown. Today, globally there are specialised deep tech PR firms, let alone firms which specialise in technology as a whole. Whether you work for a healthcare client or an agriculture client, disruption caused by technology and its benefits is a common conversation in all sectors. For example, stories around how Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited conducts robotic surgeries and the use of AI to enable medical practitioners to provide more personalized recommendations…